
May 2024 - Newsela Daily Content Calendar

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23 6 10 13 8 15 7 14 9 16 22 20 24 21 17 Project: Becoming a Changemaker Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 MAY AAPI Identity in Poetry Writing Project: Crafting a Commencement Speech Virtual Field Trip: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park ELA in the Real World: Highlighting Vietnamese Voices AAPI: Young Leaders and Achievers Making a Change This Week in History: Amelia Earhart Flies Solo Across the Atlantic Global Accessibility Awareness Day AAPI: Young Leaders and Achievers in Education 27 28 Memorial Day 2024 AAPI: Young Leaders and Achievers Showing Determination Paired Text: "The Tanuki Kettle" and Japanese Culture ELA Resources for Jewish American Heritage Month Available with Newsela ELA Available with Newsela Social Studies Available with Newsela Science Jewish American Trailblazers Comparing Independence Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day Celebrating Cinco de Mayo 29 Jewish Representation in STEM 30 Star Wars Day 2024 1 Celebrating AAPI Cultures and Communities 2 Jewish American Culture and Traditions MEMORIAL DAY Seasonal STEAM: Mother's Day Activity AAPI Activism 31 ELA Summer Learning Resources

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